Nexu Company, Guild Website and Logo
Nexu Company is a Republic guild on Jung Ma, in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Their “story” is that they’re a special ops unit created after the Treaty of Coruscant.
The elements were chosen by one of their officers (the republic sigil, the colors, the font, and inclusion of a Nexu). I wanted to invoke the aesthetic of the old hand-painted World War II era unit logos, the kind you might see painted on the side of a bomber or a tank, while still fitting it into the sci-fi setting of The Old Republic, so I chose to contrast a “sketchy” nexu against the cleaner and slicker name and sigil.
Oh and if you’re wondering what a nexu is… think… a giant tiger with the Chesire Cat’s grin, full of sharp teeth, spikes behind the head (here hidden by the name), and the claws and attitude of a velociraptor… swinging down on you from up in the trees. They’re agile and use speed and sharpness instead of bulk and brute force — perfect for the mascot of a first strike unit.
I’m also one of the webmasters for the guild’s website. It’s built on the platform, so there’s nothing that I can do to affect things like the positioning of the main menu. It was a challenge to design around these immutable elements while making it look like they’re there because that’s what the design calls for. For the header graphic, I designed around screenshots of the basic website and made it semi-transparent to allow the template’s background to be changed by the interface without it interfering with the graphic.